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Itinerant Exhibition

“3000 years of Alicante wine history”


Now you can discover part of the extensive history of Alicante PDO Wines through this project created by the Regulatory Council, bringing the past and  present wine culture into the environment to neighbors and visitors. As you stroll town to town, enjoying the terraces and the surroundings, we will review this history that is the envy of many other regions of the world and that you can relive by visiting or tasting their wines in some of the best establishments on the Costa Blanca.

The artists

Three Alicante illustrators use their creativity to tell us in a different way the more than 3000 years of Alicante wine history. (Click on the name of each artist to see their description.)

Erre Galvez

Erre Galvez

Passionate about typography, printed ink and paper. His work has been published in the Museo del Romanticismo, Museo Cerralbo, Palacio Quintanar, Summa Art Fair, Cámara Abierta TVE, Casa Camper, La Neomudéjar, La Fábrica, Harvard Business Review or The Guardian.

Miguel Catalayud

Miguel Calatayud

He received the National Award for Illustration and Distinction of the Generalitat for Cultural Merit. His professional emergence in the 1970s contributed to the renewal of Spanish graphic illustration. His work, of an unusual quality and coherence, points to a space of freedom detached from genres and borders.

Paula Alenda

Paula Alenda

Paula Alenda is an art historian and illustrator. For more than twenty years she has worked applying illustration to graphic design. At an editorial level, she has specialized in the field of children’s literature. In addition, she is a designer of illustrated products for stationery, textiles and wallpaper, and has created collections for stores in different national museums.

A story meant to be told:

A brief review of each chapter.(Click on the text to see more information)

The legend of Benimaquía

In the 80s, an archaeological discovery at the top of a small mountain overlooking the sea in Dénia, revealed one of the oldest wineries in Europe: Benimaquía.


In the 13th century, with the reconquering, the city of Alicante promoted the development of the vineyard in its orchards.

Junta d’inhibició.

The creation of the Junta d’inhibicio del Vi foraster d’Alacant on January 18, 1510 by Fernando de Aragón, the Catholic gathered in an agreement the important reality of Alicante wine, its orchards and its territory.

A european wine.

These traveling wines surprised foreigners by their color, their maturity, a certain compelling taste, exotic varieties, and the fame of the wines grew.


A deadly plague reached the vineyards of Europe in the middle of the 19th century.

El Fondillón.

The most special wine of the DOP Alicante, emblematic of this historical past as it represents
the most minority, exclusive and delicate production.


The main red variety of Alicante, born right here and known as Mourvèdre or Mataró in other parts of the world.


The postcard image of the Muscat vineyards in the region is very typical, planted on terraces and flanked by very old stone walls.


The agricultural wealth of the Mediterranean contributes to the many varieties and richness of wines in the area.

A protected landscape.

Everything is smaller here, hence its value, a landscape that deserves special protection.

Perfect pairings.

This diversity of culture pairs perfectly with the different types of Alicante DOP Wines, which makes them a
pleasure to discover.

The experience. Wine tourism.

History today becomes experience. Not only with this exhibition with which to relive chapters of history, but
also with which to get closer to the landscape and the wineries with wine tourism


Not only in the past have great writers and travelers praised the fame of Alicante and its wines; Nowadays,
specialized press, guides and international critics do not stop highlighting the personality of the wines made in
the area and the enormous value of its varieties or history.


More information on our history: